August Challenge; water nymph

This is a very rare sighting of Blipus Aqua, (the uncommon water nymph or water baby) actually in the process of capturing its prey - drops of water on bamboo leaves. Often heard about, but rarely seen in action; I spotted this one through the kitchen window as I was making my coffee.

Of course, taking photos of these elusive creatures is only part of the story; the results have to be posted on the Blip website before it actually finds out. Otherwise the image may mysteriously disappear.

I’m thinking of writing to the BBC to suggest a series of TV programmes called ‘Blip Watch Live’ where secret cameras record these shy creatures (and other members of the Blip family) with hidden cameras and a group of experts sit round and discuss things such as what aperture or shutter speed they might be using. Or ought to use.

This is my first attempt at nature photography so any tips most welcome.

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