My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Pain & Flat-pack

Yesterday I was advised to stay off my feet as much as I can until I have had my legs scanned for possible deep vein thrombosis. So, today I did not go to work for our Open Morning for prospective parents as it would mean being on my feet for at least 3-4 hours straight. I felt quite guilty for letting my colleagues down but, on reflection, I would not be able to live with myself if I'd pushed myself too much and something happened. As my friend texted to remind me: some things in life are more important.

Turns out it was totally the right decision to spend the day on the sofa as my troublesome fibroids have been painfully complaining about being prodded yesterday. So painful!

So, I spent the day resting on the sofa (wearing sexy anti-embolism socks) and N has spent the day making a cracking start on all the nursery furniture we had delivered earlier this week. Two pieces done, two to go.

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