A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Spanish dancers?

I knew when I took this picture I wanted to use it as a blip.This is the beach at San Sebastian at about 10.30 am and the main activity seemed to be power walking along the waters edge (a variation on the usual evening Paseo).

Later in the day these would be erected to make canvas cubicles for changing and shade etc. but I loved them furled up like this as they reminded me of ladies about to perform a flamenco!

We had a great day - saw the beginning and end (5hrs 45mins later) of a cycle race; watched a Basque band parade in the streets; climbed Mt Urguel with the statue at the top and a museum about how the British, under Wellington, destroyed San Sebastian in their pursuit of Napoleon in 1813; and finally ate Tapas or Pinxtos as the Basque call them, in the bars in the old town alongside the harbour.

The winner of the cycle race, by the way. won a Basque Beret!

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