
By MoezaremiA

New Years Eve

Fucking hell it's 2013 already.

It's kind of scary how fast the years are going by. I remember when 365 days seemed like a lifetime but now it all goes past so fast. Too fast actually. I don't really feel an obligation to say what an amazing year it was, packed with such amazing memories etc. 2012 had it's ups and downs. I wish there were more ups.

To celebrate New Year I visited my beautiful cousin TARA down in Bournemouth where she studies, with friend TEMI, who is the one in the picture. We basically just caught up, and enjoyed each others company and ate pizza. NYE night was spent at an event called Dub-Optic which was brilliant (If you like dubstep - Tem doesn't so not so brilliant for her). It was a bit of a strange night - I was really ill (like actually ill, not just sick from alcohol), Temi was in a bad mood and Tara was high as fuck.
House party afterwards - good music, danced around with my eyes closed in between chundertrips to the loo and finally got home about 6 ish (Tara came in at half 7).

I've only really got one new years resolution which is stick to something. Sound like an odd one but it's something that I really don't know how to do, a skill that I simply don't possess.

I'll write a proper to do list tomorrow!

Happy New Year Everyone!

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