At Lowestoft. A good start to the day with a lovely little bird, a Woodchat Shrike, and after chatting to another bird-watcher and being told exactly where we where, we walked along the sea front to reach the most eastern point of Great Britain. It was a magical moment, except I was dying for a pee and had to then walk a mile back for relief. It was a very long walk.

Several more birding moments happened before we reached the cottage and then we got on with the packing ....and then a Mega came up just down the road. Well, we hadn't been on a Mega-twitch before; but I don't know that we will repeat the experience. Though it was quite fascinating, as I got the knock down rush as the unseen bird apparently moved along the lane. Then there was the overheard one-sided phone call from birder#1 desparate to know whether he had missed the bird or whether he should head over right now so that it was on his list.

It was an interesting experience ......... but think I'll just stick to bird-watching.

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