Today, Hellonwheels and I boarded a (very) early morning train and headed for Edinburgh, via Carlisle and a giggling-child-enducing ride on a wee truck to the next train platform, where I embarassed HOW by doing the Queen's wave to our fellow travellers as we scattered them asunder with a flashing of yellow lights and the occassional beep of the horn, and passed on by.

On our arrival at Waverley Station we found a taxi and headed off to pay a surprise visit to a dear friend of HOW's who had crossed the border from England to Scotland a few years ago. It was a surprise visit, even though he just happened to be looking out of his workshop window as our taxi drew up beneath it. The chances of that happening, given the complexity of the building, the number of windows, and his deciding to look out of the bloody window at that very moment, must be a good few thousand to one.

But nevertheless, it was a moment of bliss and happiness, much planned and looked forward to, and I shall be ever humble that I witnessed the joy.

Anyway, I'm burbling on. During our visit we looked round an art gallery and I came across the above, which struck me as possibly the best exhibit on show that day.

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