
It is very rare that I post a ‘posed’ photo, but I decided I had to record a meeting we had today and I took no other photos. So here it is. Three Blippers (Will, Sheil, High Pike) with Robbie, Sheila’s cousin visiting from South Africa. A great guy – we enjoyed talking about his home country, especially as we are planning another visit there early next year.
It was a lovely lunch with so much to talk about, we almost forgot the main reason for getting together, which was to plan some things for a visit Rainie and Doug are making to the Lake District in September, as part of their trip round our islands.
Advance Notice
We are hoping to organise a Blipmeet for those Blippers who know and would like to meet (or meet again) Rainie. We are suggesting Saturday 17th September somewhere around Windermere, possibly Fell Foot. This has yet to be confirmed, but we will give as much notice as possible for those who would like to come but will need to travel.


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