A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Mono Monday :: MIDDLE :: mm51

I see some have risked life and limb for this week's Mono Monday by standing in the middle of rail tracks. Not something I'd advocate but H&S elsewhere appears not to be so kid-glove as it is here in the famous nanny state.

I did risk a possibility of having much discomfort to get my mono Monday Middle Blip though.

I stuck my camera into the middle of my Euphorbia longifolia (Honey spurge) which if anyone has had some of a Euphoria's sap on them will know the dangers.

To liven up the shot I have played with the white balance and a few other sliders in Lightrooms.

I will award my stars & hearts on Wednesday. Next week's challenge has been picked by Paladian the founder of Mono Mondays. She has chosen CLOSE-UP (tag it mm52). I will oversee the week but Paladian will get involved in some way.

I'd like to thank everyone for their support over the past few months, especially during the change over process. I think we have proved the changes haven't effected the process of Mono Mondays and looking at the past few weeks about 70 members have Blipped. It has been much higher in the past but I'm sure it will continue to grow with the fresh hosting that is now in place.

I will continue to keep an eye on proceedings but each host will put their own stamp on things. 

Lastly thanks to Paladian for starting this fantastic challenge last year!

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