Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Donavan Frankenreiter

My husband at the concert: "Honey, there's Donavan right there next to you"

Me: "Where?"

Husband: "Right. There"

Me: "Ohmygosh no way" (I saw a woman standing next to me who looked like she was in his group)

Me: "Excuse me, do you know Donavan?"

Woman: "Yes I do"

Me: "Well we don't want to bother him, but I thought that he would like to know that there are several people here tonight who have been very inspired by his music"

Woman: "Oh that is nice. I will tell him"

My husband and I then went off to mingle with the other concert goers and several of our good friends. A half an hour later the woman approaches me.

Woman: "I've been looking all over for you."

Me: "Really?"

Woman: "Yes, I am Donavan's assistant and I told him what you said. He'd like to meet your group of friends."

Me: "Well, here they are right here"

Woman looks at all of us and says: "This is Donavan"

The headliner of the concert walks right up and shakes all of our hands. Five minutes later, he and my husband are still talking about surfing, Hawaii, and living that kind of a mellow life style. And me? Well I was grinning from ear to ear for helping orchestrate the whole thing. And then one of my best girlfriends saw us talking to Donavan and couldn't believe her eyes. She ran over and two seconds later, she was posing for a photo with him. In heaven. Because he is one of her favorite musicians of all time.

One of the best concerts I've ever been to. I haven't been to many but feel fortunate to have been to the ones that I have. Here is the list:

Tim McGraw (before I even knew who he was)
Britany Spears (my birthday present from my boyfriend/ now my husband)
Justin Timberlake (my friend and I made our way down to the front row)
Dave Matthews Band (The Gorge)
Danny Gokey (American Idol guy)

And now Donavan Frankenreiter. A concert that should never be missed when his band comes through town. Happy, positive, and inspirational music. And a down to earth guy who took the time to chat with all of us and thank us for being there. Just a normal guy who found a way to turn his passion into a profession. Fans for life.....yes we are!

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