Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes



Our nephew's 5th birthday party, and he wanted to be BATMAN!

We arrived at my sister's place to find our nephew in full costume. Immediately he was whisking us into his brand new 'Bat Cave'. My parents had arrived two days earlier to help turn his bedroom into the real deal. The 'Bat Cave'. And he loves it! And our kids love it. Our daughter took one look at his room and said to my Mom, "I wanna room like this, only with a princess". And this was the start of what I like to call, "Costume Weekend". The three kids wore costumes each of the three days we were there. Common for many kids, especially our nephews, but not for our kids. They have only begun to show interest in costumes but never have they wanted to leave the house in them. Until now. Batman was soon accompanied with Power Ranger and Princess. And then Batman decided to be Power Ranger and Power Ranger switched to be Captain Rex. Princess always stayed the Princess. They graced the gym, Starbucks, and the grocery store with their Superhero presence. It was adorable.

Tomorrow is the big party and it's going to be a huge turnout. My sister is truly a superstar and you will find out why in tomorrow's journal. The start to a fantastic weekend surrounded by family. I love weekends like these.

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