730 without a break!

Wow! I didn't even mean to do one every day, then I didn't think I'd keep going every day for the second year - next year who knows?

What a great place Blip is; what lovely people Blippers are! This collection shows a few the photos you have liked, some great moments (Tam and Jim's marrigage, obviously, goats Zinnia and Zaida, and lots of Chloe! Chloe complains that she is featuring in small photos. I'm afraid that is because they were cropped, Chloe, but I had to get you centre stage!

Next Blipyear I aim to take better photos (although I will still be attracted by the quirky when I see it) and do much better at keeping up with commenting.
The commenting will prob. start next week as Tam and Jim are coming for the weekend to celebrate my Blipbirthday....no, actually- we are meant to be going ballooning! Will we manage? It's looking unlikely.

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