
By cyclops


Welcome to my 200th blip. When I browse back through the photographs, many bring back memories that might otherwise have been lost as just part of life. For most, I can picture myself taking them and remember some of what I was feeling when I chose them. At least 180 of them that would never have been taken if it wasn't for blip and its blippers encouraging me to do something with a camera every day!

Thank you to everyone who has looked at my blips and everyone who has commented or rated. Thanks to all those whose blips I enjoy every day, both the photogrpahic and biographical - I enjoy a lot of journals but I only sometimes have time comment so sorry if I've missed you out. Thanks most of all to Joe and the team at blip-central, without whom none of this would be possible.

I hope this slightly crumby, seedy blip is appropriate for marking the occasion - it's not every morning I take a blow-torch to a piece of bread... Now for the final weak joke...

May I propose a toast... to Blip and the Blippers!

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