
By cyclops

Autumn Moon

I saw this scene on my way to work this morning. Unfortunately my camera didn't see (or at least capture) what I saw in any meaningful way so this is the most processed shot I've posted in a LONG time. Can anyone spot the deliberate (ahem) mistakes in it?

I want to post a few links today. Firstly I think that my wife's blip last night was just fantastic in it's shapes and lighting, so I'm linking that here.

Pixel Smiths has a fantastic blip today which is worth a look, and also links to a short movie Vincent Laforet has put together with the Canon D5 Mk II. It's just amazing to think this was made witha DSLR, albeit supplemented with a lot of great lenses and lighting... And other resources including a helicopter...

Finally, I rather liked this blip from 77 of St Pauls.

That's all folks!


For those who are wondering, my photoshop manipulation has left this photo with two major flaws for the sharp-eyed observer, although the relatively low resolution of blipfoto rather flatters my handiwork...

1) The tops of the trees are too dark relative to the rest of the trees as a result of lazy blending between different levels applied to the upper and lower parts of the image

2) The moon is in the right place, but is about 6 times the size it was in the original photo (it's taken from a seperate photo shot with a much longer lens) and has significantly enhanced contrast. This is how it "looked" to me (i.e. big and bold in the sky) so to that extent it's an honest image, but the moon doesn't really look that big with a 42mm lens!!!

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