A wee dip...

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For the first time since our honeymoon this wasn't a "diving holiday", but that didn't stop us from doing a few days diving. Usually the complicated part of diving is lugging 20kg of equipment around the globe, but we thought we'd just rent locally since we were only doing a few dives, and save ourselves some hassle and money.

Big mistake. "Sea Pro Divers" (something of a misnomer on the "Pro" part) had very little rental kit in my size. The first BCD they gave me was seriously defective (it wouldn't hold air) and it too a while to pursuade them to swap it for one that fitted even less well but only leaked a little. The regulators all had minor leaks and were hard work to breathe too. Fortunately it was mostly easy shallow diving so the deficiencies of the kit were an annoyance rather than a serious concern. Still, it's served as a useful reminder that the money I spent on high quality well fitting gear was worthwhile, as is the effort of taking it with me...

We still had some fun dives - the reefs weren't in great condition but pretty good. This is a photo of the Mrs and I on a safety stop - complete with air bubbles leaking from various parts of our kit!

P.S. Can anyone spot the deliberate "error" in my kit configuration in this one?

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