Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Night steps

There's one car park in Dublin which I know better than any other. It's convenient both when I'm going there and when I'm leaving -- easy to get to on the route I take into town and convenient to get out of in terms of one-way systems when returning home. For one reason and another it's been a while since I've used it, so this evening I explored it a bit in terms of photo angles into surrounding streets and so on. I was taken by this view across an adjacent laneway onto the unprepossessing backs of buildings which front onto Dame Street. The spill of light onto the fire escape stairs struck me as reminiscent of a stage set for West Side Story or Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Fanciful, I know. The lighting had a sepia glow to it to begin with, so I exaggerated that with a bit of post-processing.

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