An okay read

The day went by in a bit of an uneventful blur. It wasn't as if I'd had a hectic weekend or anything like that, but it actually felt as if I was recovering from something and had to take it easy. Strange.

I devoted some time to get to serious grips with this book, the latest of Philippa Gregory's historical novels which I've tackled. It's been enjoyable, though I found the approach of having three narrators a bit of a chore at times. Still, I've always been a bit of a sucker for this type of book, and I'll probably go back to the G shelves in some book shop some time again soon -- especially if there's another on special offer as this was (the line drawn with marker across the bottom of the book shows it's a bargain, 3 euro 99 in this case).

There was a fair bit of music involved during the day also. I've recently discovered and subscribed to the Naxos Music Library, which is proving a brilliant way of dipping into unknown music before I commit to buying it. I stumbled on the music of Einar Englund here, and I listened to a lot of his stuff today.

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