Ready for the interview

I'm the web contact for our music group, which means I'm the one who's contacted whenever someone expresses an interest in joining us. My usual follow-up is to arrange to meet and have a chat, during which I give a bit more detail about how we function and the other person gets a chance to suss us out and to ask any questions. It's all very informal, and can often be good fun. My preferred location for these chats is the Library Bar, in the Central Hotel. It's quiet, cosy, old-fashioned -- the ideal spot for a bit of a chin-wag.

It's unusual for these meetings to happen during the day rather than in the evening, but that's what happened today, because the person behind the latest contact was going to be in town anyway, won't be around this coming weekend, and was anxious to learn more about us as soon as possible. So we met at 2.00 pm. All went well, and hopefully we'll have someone new at the session on 20th February.

From there I went on to meet a couple of friends for more chat and a pint or two, and then I hung around town for a bite to eat, opting for Pizza Stop off Chatham Street, the perfect place for good basic Italian food.

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