Mum's taxi

It was very strange seeing wet stuff coming out of the sky today. It really has been a long time since we've seen any rain, and it's all too easy to get so used to warm dry weather that you feel cheated when there's an interruption. Anyway, that was my excuse for not fitting in a walk today. The forecast doesn't look all that great for the weekend, which is a shame since there's an invite to a barbecue on Sunday. Ah well, not to worry, I remember one of the best barbecue experiences I've had was when it was raining heavily and we gathered under umbrellas.

Talking about the weather is a sure sign that not very much happened today. I'm hosting the music session tomorrow, and I was told yesterday that all the music will be presented on DVD. I was also told that my DVD player was not thought too highly of, since it displays a tendency towards judderiness at times. I had noticed this myself, but somehow it didn't seem right for somebody else to mention it. Having received the complaint, though, I naturally had to do something to put things right. That's why I was driving behind this car and spotted the stickers. I was on my way over to Carl's place to borrow one of his DVD players, which he very kindly agreed to when I phoned him with the idea.

Unfortunately, we both forgot that I'd need the remote control to go with the player, and it was only when I got home and hooked it up that I realised about the remote. So I had to go back across to Car's again. Botheration!

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