Happy Birthday Franz

Franz Liszt was born 200 years ago today, and we devoted today's Music Group session to his music. I was hosting, and decided on the spur of the moment to organise a birthday cake for the occasion. I thought maybe I was pushing things a bit by phoning Thunders cake shop at 10:00 to ask if they could have something ready for collection 1t 12:00. They were unflappable, and just wanted to know what message to put on it, what size it should be, and whether the filling should be butter cream or fresh cream. So we did Franz proud both musically and by way of interval celebration (I got a bit of bubbly as well).

After the session I dashed across town to Carl's place to lend a hand with preparations for a dinner party he'd invited the cross-the-road neighbour and his visiting friend from New York to. Somehow we had things ready by 7:30 when the first knock at the door came. It was all a great success, with the afterwards going on for rather a long time, with lots of chat and many problems solved. The neighbour left for home at 8:00 am.

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