Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter


It's just as well that I pointed the camera at this dining chair (one of my aunt's set which came here after her death). The original image was a bit bland, and the background was distracting, so I've used some Photoshop trickery.

Carl and I made our separate ways to Malahide for a meal with two ex-members of the music group and their partners. Tom hits the big four-oh on 2nd January and heads off to the US of A in a couple of days for a three-week stay between San Francisco, Las Vegas and somewhere in Florida. I had a bit of a panicky day dashing around town looking for a birthday present. My local post office was shut when I went to get our intended gift of a One4All voucher, so I went in to town, thinking that the PO in Andrew Street would be open — but no, it wasn't. So frantic second thoughts were necessary. We finally got him a survivor's guide to Las Vegas and a teach yourself poker.

All of this upset my grand plan of going back home to change my clothes and wrap the gifts, so I dropped off the car at Clontarf Road DART station instead and took the DART to Malahide. We met in Duffys pub on the main street, and had good craic there with group-ex Cathal and his brother (back from the States to work here again). Our meal was in Cape Greko, which turned out to be a really good choice. Good atmosphere, nice food, pleasant surroundings. We had a really good night, managing to catch last DARTs with time to spare.

I've changed the image, using a different background this time.

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