Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

The Castle at Night.

Well....I haven't had a blip of the Castle for a while. And it is a different angle from my usual shots. And it is lovely, it deserves to blipped. So there!

Today has been somewhat the agony and the ecstasy! OK so thats perhaps overstating for dramatic effect a little but there were lovely parts interspersed with pain and annoyance!

The nice stuff first - the very lovely MsIncrease invited me to come along to her book group this morning which was fabulous. It was great to meet up with her and her friends and I always enjoy talking about books! I'm hoping I didn't ramble on a bit too much...I do have a tendency...

Later on I went to Maggie's for a very tasty lunch of butternut squash soup and bacon rolls :) we had a bit of a wander around some of the charity shops (yay! Charity shops that are actually open on a Sunday!) then settled down to watch Cabaret which I seem to know all the songs to but had never actually seen!

Annoying Rant -
It turns out Bustracker don't know their arse from their elbow and as I has to be in Stockbridge first thing in the morning I'd been well prepared and noted down what time the 24 bus left from Lothian Rd - only to find that it was another 50 minutes away. Annoying but ok, just meant walking to Frederick St to catch a 29. Only that was another 30 minutes away. I needed to be there in plenty time to then get to the Modern for Book-grouping so I walked, it's downhill afterall and if I was quite quick I'd just about make it. Of course theres nothing to get you back up the hill out of Stockbridge to Queensferry Rd and I was already late and exhausted (am in a lot of pain just now so walking all over the place isn't a good plan) so I had to most reluctantly waste money on a taxi. After BG I had lots of time to spare before I met Mags so I thought well, Blackhall isn't that far from here (it is) so I'll just pop down and have a quick look in TKMaxx then get a bus back along. There are no longer any buses from the Retail Park to Stockbridge on a sunday. So I walked along to the Shell Station with my now heavy bags (curses on TKMaxx) to see if there was a bus from there - there wasn't. The only option was to walk all the way - which is much further than you would imagine. I'd even have paid for a taxi if I could have found one - I was that desperate but there were of course no bloody Taxis in sight! And of course my phone wasn't working either... Very cross and very sore by the time I reached Stockbridge and very annoyed by the general lack of transport in or out of the damn place! Thankfully Maggie sat me down and gave me food which cheered me up immensley.
And Breathe...
- Rant over.

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