All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Funny old day today.

Ethan woke at 6am (typical that on nursery days I've had to wake him at 7.10am but on my day off he wakes early)! Since I've been back at work though, it doesn't seem quite so brutal being woken at that time as it did a few months ago.

We just pottered around in the morning and I managed to get a bit of housework done. By 10am he was clearly really tired but even though I sat and read books with him for ages and even put a bit of Cbeebies on for him, he wouldn't go to sleep. He even ate his lunch, instead of falling asleep in it which is what has happened previously on days where he hasn't had a morning nap. Around 1pm I changed his nappy then sat with him in the nursing chair for a wee rest. As I rocked, I realised he was going quieter so I sang to him and carried on rocking ... success ... he fell asleep! I even managed to transfer him to the cot where he carried on sleeping for 2 hours! So I crammed in as much housework as I could so I don't have to worry about doing loads at the weekend.

After he woke up, we drove down to Sainsbury's. I'd hoped to walk down but the weather was all over the place. From glorious sunshine (which Zoe took advantage of by basking in it in the conservatory) to torrential rain to hailstones and so on. Ethan enjoys Sainsbury's because I always let him have some of the food samples they offer. Today it was pancakes and white chocolate cookies! When we ended up going by the bakery sample area a 2nd time he got very animated and pointed to it and demanded more, lol!

I had to leave hubbie to do bath and bed on his own tonight as I had an appointment for an eyebrow wax. Just as I was leaving, Granny and Grandpa arrived so they were able to play with him for a wee bit before his bedtime.

As I drove home, it started to snow really heavily .... hope it's not too thick in the morning!

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