
By RustyKlicker


This is Craighouse campus.

Its a collection of listed buildings on a 51 acre site that used to house the Royal Edinburgh Asylum. It is currently owned by Edinburgh Napier University but they have agreed to sell it for an undisclosed sum for residential conversion.

I will refrain from making much of a political statement regarding the sale, there will be plenty others who decide they have views on these things, often with little or no knowledge or information about the building, the circumstances or the finances involved. I find that quite annoying, complaining about development just for the sake of it

I do believe in allowing sensitive development and I am sure this can happen here. Edinburgh certainly needs the homes and it will provide work and an economic boost to construction that Scotland desperately needs.

Anyway, the weekend beckons and I am looking forward to some extra sleep.

Have a good one, whatever you are up to.

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