Dutchoak's (not so) Daily

By dutchoak

A Stimulating Substance for the Garden

Today was trailerday.

The compost plant that processes biowaste for half the country is not too far away and as a courtesy to the community it distributed free compost today. I made two runs, 1 cub. in total. A Dutchman will go to great lengths to get something for free...

Worked hard to spread this all out in the borders and the veggie patch. It it great stuff for the Hydrangea, for which the mushroom manure is unsuitable.

Then off again to get a trailerload of mushroom manure, which is an excellent fertilizer, some Fagus Sylvatica to complete the hedges, a Vaccinum berrybush to fill a vacant spot and a dozen periwinkles for under the roses.

Tomorrow, I'll go planting and digging again. Tonight: the Movies!

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