No time to waste?

By jt

Dirty paws?

Poppy's home! After being whisked off to Ellon last Saturday as I went off on my adventures, she's had 8 days with Jem's parents (3 of those with Jem too). She had a ball - especially eating all the way through the main telephone cable.... Oops! Went up to collect her today - combined it with collecting their new chair from Broughty Ferry and delivering it to them. Sadly the warehouse gave me the wrong chair.... Oops! And I forgot to take the in-laws the cheese I bought specially for them from the Wensleydale Creamery!

Ah well, at least the bunny is home :)

PS - and this is mainly for my family's benefit - I finished sorting out my Yorkshire photos yesterday. Returned with over 800 (having already deleted about 50 from the camera) - ended up with 124, including about 20 Cameron took. Not bad winnowing!

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