Thoughts on Stalking...
I'm sitting on the bus very close behind one of the most dispicable persons I've ever had the unfortunate displeasure to engage with of which that is a different story. Ideally in this situation, I wouldn't take as specific a photo without it's subjects consent but I have so little respect for this person, it doesn't bother me in the slightest.
I chose this seat specifically through some story of morbid fascination I have with what makes someone like this tick. What makes them act the way they do that is so far removed from my experience of common decency.
He is sitting as you see here, watching a Madonna dvd in the aisle seat rendering the window seat beside him out of bounds. He sticks the box of the dvd he is currently watching between the head tests of the seats in getting of his so it's on full display to entire bus and he has a stack of 10 or so dvds on the luggage track above him.
He will masticate his way through 3 packets of Trebor mint chewing gum and will get off at Inverkeithing where he walks along the road to catch a train.
I'm aware that I already am showing telltale signs of a stalker but just to deepen this image further, I have considered if I ever had the time that I might like to find out where his journey continues onto and how or if his life leads him to act the way I\ve witnessed.
I really don't know where this fascination comes from but I guess it's the stand out characters that you remember from your life experiences. It just peculiar that the stand out characters aren't always of good character.
On a slightly lighter note, I did join Mr EcoDad for a wee lunchtime daunder down to see the chaps and chapesses under the Blipfoto hood and had a delightful wee chat and cuppa.
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