Baaaaaaad mummy

....and Aunty Sarah.

Walking through the farm, Dani and Sarah busily chatting away, keeping half an eye on young'un who was stroking a sheep, when suddenly the sheep in question went "baaaaaaaaaa!" at volume (made me jump) and a small boy shot up into to the air and burst into tears. What did his mum and I do first? Yeah, that's right - burst out laughing. Then there was lots of consoling and a certain knowledge in the adults minds that there may well be an aversion to sheep in the future and this young man might not quite recall exactly why.

I have had a glorious day. Went to Wheelock to meet up with Dani. We will have known each other for 27 years this September. We started high school together and have been friends ever since. Dani was always very cool and I looked up to her in a lot of respects, for the fact that she was pretty, could sing and all the boys loved her! I aspired to achieve at least one of those three states of existence - I had to wait a very very long time!

We've been through all sorts of life experiences, together, but apart - the distance between London and Warrington is enough to keep is physically away, but I think we both know, and appreciate, that when we are needed, the other just has to say.

The last time I actually saw Dani was 5 years ago, when her mum passed away. I know it is still painful for her, but equally, it was nice to share some memories of her which made us laugh. Dani's mum was fiercesome and not to be reckoned with, which we both learned on one occasion where we tried subterfuge and it backfired enormously. We laugh now, and the rollocking that we both received at the time faded. Even when Dani left home to go to Uni, I would still drop in and see her folks and share a cup of tea at the kitchen table with her mum.

Children, marriage, divorce (in my case), traumas and happy times - I know in my heart that this lovely woman is a keeper as far as I am concerned. So Dani, thanks for the laughs, the tea and cake, the lamenting of the passage of time and the opportunity to catch up with you and your wonderful little boy - who made my day when he came to hold my hand, even if there was an ulterior motive.

Lets not leave it so long next time!!!

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