We Got It Together Didn't We?

Oh God! I killed Monica.

Strictly speaking, I didn't kill Monica. Sam and Phil Killed Monica. I only went away for a holiday all they had to do was make sure she wasn't thirsty.

I came back and she was all withered. Hundreds of leaves, but all crispy.

I soaked her. I drained her out. I gazed at her lovingly. Then I played more music to her. But the leaves were still crispy. So I trimmed her.

That was four weeks ago. And today. I have spied a little teeny tiny regrowth.

I used to have a Cheeseplant called the same name as Monica's Friend in Friends, but then I met my Husband, and his wife (at the time), was called that too. I can't use that name any more, and I'm afraid that Cheeseplant, from being my best friend, turned into my nemisis. And I neglected her, on purpose.

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