A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Shine on

Placement is a funny thing; as far as the university year is concerned it is the highlight, the thing we all look forward to. Yet, as much as this is true, it is also by far the most exhausting part and it seems that most, if not all, of us are now at the point of looking forward to the end.

The past 7 weeks (and I'm sure the one to go) have been amazing in terms of the opportunities I have been given and the children I have met. I can honestly say that complex needs paediatrics (esp. physical disabilities) is an area that I could see myself working in, wherever that may be.

However, I am absolutely exhausted!

That said, today has been lovely. The fine-motor skills group that I was leading this morning went well and I had a bit of a light-bulb moment with my case study. I even managed a couple of hours out in the sun studying! The flip-flops came out and some ice cream eating was done.

"My my my it's a beautiful world..."


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