Disparate Housecats of Daytona Beach, episode 7

Sidd and Mirl are doing research for their new opus magnum - A La Recherche du Soleils Perdu. Sidd has calculated the exact moment at which the sun's warming rays strike the floor just inside my bedroom french doors for the last four years. Given precise measurements, they have stationed themselves to optimize the space without covering the charcoal gray porcelain tile completely. The sun that is absorbed by the tile will warm the micro environment they have created. Sidd has chosen to add a sensory element to his research. For him a mid-50's Turkmen exudes the delicate stimulus of sheep scent inviting the phantasmagorical visions of the tribal exotique of the European Orientalists. They insist I place a plate of Madeleine-shaped salmon patties near them for inspiration. Evidently purring and snoring also enhance the creative state. Poor, poor pussies - so misunderstood.

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