Lali's World

By Lali

Details 9 - The Joy of Being Sold Nothing

I saw this random scribbling on this wall the other day and thought I would blip it. How many times we end up buying things just because someone sells them to us, not because we need them? Yes, the joy of being sold nothing! A reason why I hardly ever answer my landline phone is because every time I answer it there's someone at the other end trying to sell me something I don't need!! Great message!

It looks like it has been written by the same person who wrote this other one. Same handwriting. I wonder why this person is writing all these messages.

With the "Summer" coming up, we're getting busier and busier at work. The weather was all over the place again! Nothing much more of interest to report apart from having finished reading "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak today. A great book but very sad. Do not read it i you're feeling a bit on the down side.

I'm going to be busy for the next few days, doing a bit of overtime. Can't wait for my time off!

Thanks very much for all your comments. I hope you all had a great day! :)

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