just allan

By allan

Joining In

Gordon, Katie and Duncan helping me mark my 200th blip with a moat around our shells on Belhaven Beach this afternoon. We had great fun joining in the effort to get some water in there - I had chosen a spot which turned out to be just exactly where the tide turned so every wave was anticipation and "ooh, nearly..." In the end we got just enough to make it a success and headed home happy.

I also joined Blip today! This is a thing I do and I'm not feeling like I'm running out of steam. I've recently met some lovely real people through blipping and it all adds up to a lifestyle thing. So, I get to choose my thumbnail for the first time in just a second... Can't wait!

Thanks to Dotty for consultation on this one ;), Rojo and Red for between you getting me started, mummyandkatie for tireless upbeat-ness, and all the other lovely people who comment and support each other every day, in particular today Troosers for such a polite response to my negative commenting on his new favourite train!

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