
By tolu

Best sibling in the world!

Auntie Banana (as Kai calls his Auntie Hannah) has come to stay for a few days. They were having a cuddle and talking to each other on the sofa when I snuck up and took a photo of them.

Kai is very lucky to have five aunties and uncles and to be the first in what will probable be a fairly long line of nephews and nieces! (not from me in case you thought thats what I was saying!)

While I have to put up with their ever creative ways of teaching Kai the art of mischief, naughty songs, and london slang, Kai loves their special brand of love, fun and undivided attention.

And I love watching his individual relationship growing with each of my ?one-in-a-million? siblings.

thank you for all your comments and favorites on yesterday's photo that got it to the spotlight page. That was a lovely birthday present!

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