When I said I would catch you when you're falling.
I popped out tonight, to have a chat with my mate Iris.
Iris was delighted to see me, and it was nice to sit in the evening sun and discuss our respective days.
Mine had started in a wine hungover hazed way, being awoken by my better half who said "remember you have to get up". He woke me again 30 minutes later, and said "did you remember". Obviously not.
I took him down to his place of worship, the Temple of the Toggle, and warned him not to kill children on the weeks camp. As I left him, amidst all the Scouts and respective delighted parents who were getting shot of their little mongrels for a week, I shouted loudly "SIMON I LOVE YOU AND I WILL MISS YOU VERY MUCH."
I reversed a little bit, and shouted, "And the Correct Response is?"
And he turned and shouted "I love you too". I got the last word, by shouting "But I love You More, Oh Yes I do". And left.
The rest of my day was filled with messages, housework, typing, and gossiping with Nant. Also, I got very badly sunburnt.
Iris had spent the day in the field, with Barbara, Chance, Violet, Lynne and the Boys. They ate grass. Moved around a bit. Moo'd and sneezed.
I said to Iris, are the boys not a bit offended, that they have numbers and not names, and she said "You know Boys, they don't care about anything other than getting their end away!"
And she is right.
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