Up, up and away!

Mike spent his day off whistling away, drilling, bolting and manoeuvring the walls of the sitting room into place! With a bit of help and endless cups of coffee, red bush tea and pieces of date and walnut loaf from me!

The side piece was incredibly heavy, so, using some big plastic tubes (from inside silage bale wrap), we rolled it into position on the ground, then using a block and tackle and a crux, we hoisted it up vertically. When you are the most able bodied man in the village and you have a job that requires a bit more muscle, you have to use a bit of ingenuity - and your wife!

So, so satisfying to see them finally in position. And to see that everything was level, square and fitted together perfectly. We stood inside and admired the view, and it was great! It's going to be a super place to sit and watch the sea and the birds.

It was another wonderful day weather-wise, very hot this afternoon. We had dinner outside - grilled fresh mackerel, new potatoes and homemade coleslaw. Long soak in the bath with a glass of whisky to relieve the aching muscles, then bed. Rumour has it that tomorrow the gable end may be going up . . . !

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