As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

I Say "Boom Boom Boom" Now Everybody Say


What's a whelk? It's a shay-el!

What an amazing day. I rode my bike to Timmy's house and we watched the parade. Then we went on a run. It was hot and we went really slow but at least we did the distance (I did five and Timmy had to do an extra mile). Then I rode my bike home and packed. Forever. Then I went to Sam's house for a barbecue. Our ping-pong tally stands at 4-2 her. We played box-ball and more Mao. Oh and there was scrabble... We made cool chocolate pretzel things and ate a lot of cherries. We played with sparklers and took cool pictures (like the one of Jess above). Then some more Mao where all for rules were related to Daniella...


So, this is my official good-bye to Blip for about two weeks. Don't worry, I'll be taking pictures in Florida and Pennsylvania but I won't be able to put them up until I get home. BYE!

Word of the Day: Suffrage - The right to vote, especially in a political election

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