Clean Slate

By cleanslate

Be careful what you wish for

Yesterday (well - 2nd July) I thought I might try blipping every day this month. It was a rash proclammation, that I regret already, but once the boys had gone down, I did find myself wishing it wasn't grey and rainy outside, so I could nip into the garden.

Fortunately (!) no.1 son had returned from school today with a 'spider' he made as part of their 'mini beasts' topic. Since getting home the spider has been dropped on the floor, broken in half and lost 2 legs (one replaceable - one gone forever).

I feel I'm at a crossroads - I either accept that my child will never be creative, or I recognise in him the frustrated artist, darkly imaginative and likely to work one day with Tim Burton! You decide :-)

In other news, my onerous 1 day week is over! Tomorrow sees Mr CleanSlate and I 'indoor skydiving' (Yes, apparently that's a thing??!). The 'Declaration of Risk' that I had to sign asked me if I'd ever dislocated a shoulder <demonstrates worried face>

See you tomorrow (hopefully!)

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