A MIMent In Time

By justmim


You maybe can't tell from this photo too well, however this little poppy was not in the field at the back of my flat with all the other poppies.

No, this little poppy has been growing quite happily, it would seem, right in the middle of the end of the road into our block of flats.

As poppies do.

Not the sun-setting, poppy field picture I had intended...but a poppy nonetheless :]


Funny looking word that...

Anyway, busy/relaxing day. Finally got my glasses adjusted so they are no longer cutting into my ears!

Tomorrow, for the first time in the 2 years since I've been here for uni, I fly home. I'm genuinely quite excited! Will make a nice change from the usual train-change-train-change-train pattern :]

Plus...I quite enjoy flying.

Off to watch a sneaky episode of How I Met Your Mother and drink my peppermint tea (just your average student's Friday night, right?!), before panic sets in and I flail around the flat trying to get my bag packed and under-weight for tomorrow!

Good evening ;]

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