Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Stepping Stones

One of my earliest memories is of being carried across the River Ogmore stepping stones in Wales on my Uncle Cyril's shoulders. I was terrified and screamed loudly. In spite of that experience, it's one of my favorite places to go when I visit family in Wales.

These stones were placed under the deck in our backyard when we had it landscaped shortly after we moved into this house. They formed a short path that was decorative but hardly ever used. When we turned the front lawn into a garden a couple of years ago we left a path to access the backyard from the sidewalk. A few weeks ago it occurred to me that the stones would be more useful in the front yard, so I moved them one by one, using my trusty handcart. I enjoy seeing them there and being reminded of the other stepping stones.

I do need to sink them a bit lower in the ground, but there's no hurry.

You can just see the red currant bush on the left. I picked a bowl full tonight.

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