From where i stand!!!

By Dancingninja

Incy wincy spider!!!

First spider shot, don't think it's that bad. Ran out of time today had one of those uninspired by everything days. So this was taken as a bit of an emergency blip. Thought let's see what's lurking in the back garden. Poor thing was fine till i stuck my oar in. 2 seconds after this was taken Rosie decided she wasn't getting enough of the attention, so she ram raided him, web an all then got it all stuck in her fur. Little madam!!

Have juggled work, kids, catching up with friends and ninja training today, so very busy, but so lovely to see my friend haven't seen her in about 2 years, but we soon picked up were we left off. she doesn't change i don't change so easy to pick up where we left off.

Ninja training was tough felt like i was rubbish tonight, got a comp on Sat not sure whether to do it or not. I hate that feeling of being out of my comfort zone, this time maybe up against black belts so that is pretty scary and very off putting. So who knows may or may not do it depends on my mood have said i'm in 2 minds so haven't committed.

Well that's me for today off to read your blips!!


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