Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem


I was a month post op yesterday. So i figured today i could at least start doing a little bit more walking than just to the shop. It looked a nice day so me and the wife decided to take our little boy to a local nature spot called Snipedales. It's nothing to major just a couple of walks and a picnic area all located in a small wood.

Awesome i thought, perfect chance to test out my new camera. So first thing this morning we packed up some sandwiches and off we went. 2 years ago we would have had a Macdonalds breakfast and then a burger at dinner time. However we have to do a picnic now because we're parents and thats the law.
So picnic cool bag, new camera and 14 month old in tow off we set.

Snipedales is a lovely little area, like i said. Nothing to extravagant but it does boast numerous differnet breeds of birds including the rare (in this area) Snipe. Hence the name. Snipedale.

No sooner had i sat down with my ham sandwich when i got my first opportunity to get a blip. A beautiful Chffinch sat close enough for me to almost stroke. So i whip out my Lumix with the lense cap.....on/off switch to ON.....only to be greeted with the message no memory card!!!!

What a tool. I remembered everything including to charge 2 batterys, just incase. All that is except the memory card that was at home in my desktop still from last night. However not all was lost because i still had my back up Nokia N8. Admittedly as i was sulking a bit so i only took 4 pictures with it. But did manage to get this one of a cricket and managed to edit it ever so slightly with Adobe but for some reason the zoom didn't save.

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