Lali's World

By Lali

11. Happy couples walking on the sea

My eleventh entry for my liquid theme.

The weather was so much nicer today and I got lots of things done as well. Got up at around ten in the morning, had some nice breakfast, messed a bit with the computer, cleaned the whole house, went shopping and then grabbed the bike and went for a ride to Crammond.

This time I took a slightly different route to get to Crammond. Basically I tried to make as much use as I could of the cycle paths and avoided the proximity of cars as much as I could as well.

The meeting with my friend yesterday went well and I'm in a more settled and less worried mood today. I had a very good day off and I'm feeling great.

Now getting mentally prepared for a really busy day tomorrow at work.

Thank you very much for your nice comments on my rain blip. I hope you all had a great day today! :)

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