Lost Between Worlds

By PaganParent

Expanded Space...Focused Energy: Part 2

Last year, I blipped my altar. It was small, concise and kind of crowded. It still emanated wonderful energy and was a great focal point, but I started outgrowing the small space(perhaps because I am outgrowing EVERYTHING at the moment lol).

When our wedding came, we needed to mad dash organize the third "bedroom," aka, computer room. We decided to take my old black desk out of there and put it in the master bedroom, if only for the wedding. As soon as it was placed in it's spot, I knew what I needed...an inside ritual space for meditation and esbats. This is what the altar looked like BEFORE the wedding...

Yesterday, I blipped the beginnings of our Family altar...the one on display in our living room. It will expand as furniture is purchased and items are chosen to represent us.

Today, I show my new altar...larger, more spacious and significantly more peaceful.

It feels amazing!

Replaced my cell phone picture with one from my digital camera, since I found my SD card for the camera!

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