Animal Park

large for this is a must!

We got up on the wednesday, Katie and I played and ate breakfast together, whilst the adults sorted themselves out and got awake!
I kept stealing monkey, so Katie stole my baby, I moaned, she moaned, we swopped back, then 5 mins later did it again!!
We then went for a walk, well I say walk, I was in pushchair, and Katie ran!
We went in lots shops, and saw lots of new things, before heading to the car!
From there we went to a park and had a picnic, Katie slept all the way through it, we met up with the twins here and drove again, all this travelling, I am not used to it, but I didn't complain, it was nice to be out and Katie is such fun!
We went to a small farm, were we could run free and have fun, I loved every min of it, I saw meercats, guniea pigs, strange birds, chased a duck, wallabies, baby deer, and lots of other things!
Little did I know this was our last day, it flew by so fast, and it wasn't long before we were back at the train station for the long journey home.

We have had the most amazing 2 days the weather perfect, Katie and her mummy are just as they come across on blip, fantastic, friendly, mad, and great fun,
Jayne and the twins, are friendly, crazy and adorable, and such fun too,
Coming home has been hard, but the memories are strong,
500 photos to treasure, meeting again is a must!!

In the above collage, top left square...Jack, Karen, jayne and her OH, erin and then fernie and erin
Bottom left...fernie and katie emptying the contents of a supermarket shelf
Right side...Mummy and Katie having cuddles weds morning, then me and karen having our bye bye cuddles at train station,
the blipets and blip children..!!

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