My life in blips

By Goretex

Great blustery dog walk with MP and Dexter Dog today, followed by an impromptu BBQ. It was one of these days when you have your waterproof on one minute, then when the sun comes out, you strip all your layers off to walk about in your tee-shirt, then the sun goes away ...... and the whole cycle starts again.

Lovely day to finish off the holidays and prepare for the return to work tomorrow after 7 weeks off. Even after all this time off, I've still not started the presentation I need to do tomorrow morning. I've ironed, laid clothes out, changed the iron board cover, but can I get down to this presentation ? Can I wheech! Some work habits never change! I'm sure staff will also be struggling to tune in tomorrow morning.

....... think I'll make a cup of tea now! It's still only 9.45pm!

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