All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


I went to bed last night with a headache ... woke up at 1.30am with the worst migrane ever which had me literally crawling around the bed in agony. Just awful. Finally got back to sleep a few hours later only for Ethan to decide today would be a good day to get up for the day at 4.50am. Hubbie did get up with him but that was sleep well and truely out the window for all of us. Usually even when Ethan wakes early, he's really happy as he'd a morning person. But today he just wasn't himself and was really tearful and grumpy. I ended up giving him calpol before taking him to nursery which is really unusual.

A long day at work followed and my headache just wouldn't shift. Hope I can sleep it off tonight instead.

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