Lali's World

By Lali

Unusual 4 - A Lady Sitting on a Toilet

The unusual thing about this picture is the fact that this lady is sitting on a toilet in the middle of the street handing out flyers. However, in the context of the Fringe festival this might not strike you as so unusual! The Royal Mile was really crowded as usual, so I had to take this shot really fast, in that split second when there are no tourists walking in front of your camera! Not easy, believe me!

The name of the show is "When Women Wee", and it's about all the chat happening amongst women in public toilets. It could be funny!

Today I was wondering how long the sun would last. Yes, it was sunny again in the morning and dry for most part of the day, until around five, when I left the gym and went for a wander to take my pictures! Just my luck!

I had a productive day off today. Managed to do most of the cleaning in the house and go to the gym. Feeling much better for that now!

Back to work tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll finish at ten in the evening so you can expect a very late blip!

Thanks again for all your comments! Have a great weekend! :)

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