GM Tulip

By GMTulip


I've never changed a blip before but just had to on this one....

First blip showed a breakfast tray of coffee and tea loaf slathered with real butter, the write up is below and accounts for 9 of the comments....

Two double no mocca, no latte, half fat cafe noirs with 2 slices of fat free* one of your five-a-day fruit portions teabreads please....
...basically cake n black coffee for breakfast then?!

*before bieng slathered liberally with real butter that is!


Had to change it to this.....

The morning after my daughters 20th birthday, she came in AFTER we'd had breakfast and I'd blipped it!
Still a bit tipsy if truth be known, complaining that McD's don't serve nuggets or fries at 9am... she downed a Chicago town pepperoni pizza then flaked out on the sofa... good party Bex????

Oh to be young again....LOL

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