noble maggie

By maggiesays

Interesting times

I'm cheating slightly here. First, this photo was taken a day before the events below began and secondly, I cannot be exactly sure whether I took it, or BE. We were sharing his camera and were coming to the end of a lovely holiday.

Anyway, in beautiful Italian terrain such as this, on a fairly remote wooded path, I slipped and sat down with what should have been a twisted ankle. But I knew instantly that something was broken. BE went for help. What he went through to achieve this is his story, but it was far from easy. Some two hours later he returned ahead of others; a helicopter was guided in; I was winched up.
Later, at l'ospedale, the x-rays revealed fractures to both lower left leg bones. An operation to insert plates and screws took place two days later. I was discharged and we were 'repatriated' five days after that. I am now in the hands of the NHS.

I cannot speak highly enough of all the many people in Italy who helped and cared for us. But the major burden fell upon BE of course, looking after me and keeping up my spirits, organising the insurance company (who needed it), accommodation, the car and countless other things. My hero.


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