Jake's Journal

By jakethreadgould

Lenin being tempted by a Happy Meal (Yalta)

Didn't take many photos the day before. Had an 18 hour night train from Kiev to Simferopol and then a Marshrukta to Yalta.

We arrived at the hostel to be greeted by a grumpy owner. He spoke no English, which I do not have a problem with, at all. We were in Ukraine after all. But this guy seemed to be genuinely pissed off by the fact that we didn't speak Russian.

He dealt with us the way you'd imagine some stubborn, old Little Britainer dealing with people abroad. He would speak to us in Russian and, after registering our blank stares, awkward smiles and generally confused mmming and aaaahing, he would roll his eyes and repeat himself louder. He was not much older than us. He was a smarmy git.

The sign in the bathroom read "PLEASE CLEAN THE BATHROOM AFTER YOUR SHOWER OR I WILL MOVE YOU OUT!!!" Great, cheers.

I think we came to Yalta at the wrong time of year. The setting were beautiful and you could imagine what it was like in times gone-by, but you quickly forgot about this whilst being constantly nudged and jostled and cut-off in the constant flowing crowd of Russian tourists.

The most interesting thing, for me at least, was this statue of Lenin looking with disgust at the McMonstrosity across the square. The biggest two fingers capitalism could give to old Vlad.

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